Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ability to Pull An All-Nighter Can Be As Useful As A B.A....really?

The title of this article immediately caught my attention. In architecture, it seems like we spend more nights in studio than we do in our own beds. I don't know if it makes me feel better or worse that companies/businesses could see this as good time management skills. Really? Most of us want to kick ourselves by 3 a.m. for not having better time management skills and getting our projects done sooner. However, I think it does teach us to work incredibly good at working under pretty intense pressure.

I think the spin that this article puts on "soft skills" is pretty interesting. It never occurred to me that Facebook could be somehow twisted into "connecting with customers through new technologies." I actually think it's pretty funny. "Completing assignments" = "ability to meet deadlines." Seriously? Aren't we expected to complete assignments in school and in the work place? It reminds me of when my parents wouldn't pay me for good grades when I was little because it was expected that I would bring home good grades. The incentive was not getting in trouble for completing the assignment.

I guess we should all feel a little bit better about entering the work-force if things that we do everyday (like Facebook) can actually be added to our resumes as soft skills. I really do think that my major is helping me in ways that I don't actually realize and this article is making me consider all the possible "soft skills" I have learned in college.

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